A man is conducting a Google search using a magnifying glass on the Google core updates.

Google Core Updates: What You Need to Know

Google regularly implements significant changes to its search algorithms and systems, known as Google core updates in Google search

Google regularly implements significant changes to its search algorithms and systems, known as core updates in Google search.

Google regularly implements significant changes to its search algorithms and systems, known as core updates. Google announces these updates on our list of Google Search ranking updates.

The purpose of these core updates is to ensure that consistently provide helpful and reliable search results to users.

This page provides more information on how core updates work and offers suggestions on how you can evaluate and potentially enhance your content.

Procedure for core updates in Google search

Core updates operate differently from actions taken against pages that violate Google spam policies. Pages that are not performing as well after a core update have not necessarily done anything wrong.

These updates are focused on improving how our systems assess content overall. As a result, some pages that were previously undervalued may see improved performance in search results.

To understand how a core update works, think of it as updating a list of the top 100 movies. When you refresh the list a few years later, it naturally changes.

New and exceptional movies that didn’t exist before becoming candidates for inclusion. You may also reevaluate certain films and realize they deserve a higher rank on the list.

Changes in the list don’t mean that movies that move down are bad. It simply means that there are now more deserving movies ahead of them.

google search

Google search

Evaluating your own material

If your content experiences changes after a core update, it doesn’t necessarily indicate a problem that needs fixing. However, if you feel the need to take action, focus on delivering the best content possible. Our algorithms aim to reward high-quality content.

Visit Google’s help page on creating helpful, reliable content for guidance on how to achieve success.

The page includes questions to help you assess your own content.

Additionally, consider conducting an audit to analyze the impact of the drop in performance. Identify which pages were most affected and the types of searches related to them.

Examine these pages closely to understand how they compare to the self-assessment questions. It’s possible that other pages are doing a better job of providing assistance because they have firsthand knowledge of the topic.

You can also seek honest assessments from individuals you trust who are not associated with your site.

How long does it take for a core upgrade to take effect?

Recovering from a core update may take time. Broad core updates typically occur every few months, so content affected by one may not fully recover until the next update is released, assuming improvements have been made.

However, we regularly make smaller core updates to our search algorithms that may go unnoticed but can still result in content recovery if warranted improvements are implemented.

Keep in mind that making improvements to your site does not guarantee recovery, and pages do not have a fixed or guaranteed position in our search results. If there is better content available, it will continue to rank higher with our systems. Feel free to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns.


Source: Google
Image credit: Freepik
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